Mark Ronson Tag Archive
Mark Ronson (photos)
Saya mengirimkan tiga orang ke party tersebut, satu menjawab “Sorry ric, gue sampe lupa foto-foto, keasikan joged”, yang satu lagi “Gilaaa seru banget” gue tanyain “mana fotonya?” dia jawab “sorry, gue ga bawa kamera”. dan yang ketiga, “Seruuuuu” , dan ini adalah beberapa foto dari kamera temannya orang ketiga, dari party yang membuat pecah anak-anak […]
Mark Ronson DJ Set [18 Mar 2011] @ Blowfish, Jakarta
About MARK RONSON Musician, DJ and infamous record producer, Mark Ronson, is a consummate musical professional whose talents simply know no bounds. Making his name as an A-list New York party DJ in the early 1990s, Ronson quickly moved on to music production and, well, the rest is history! As one of the planet’s hottest producers, […]