
Interview with Greg Werckman from Ipecac Records

Interview with Greg Werckman from IPECAC RECORDS. An Indie Label that released Fantomas, Melvins, Young Gods, Kids of Widney High and much more good stuff. Brought to you by Marcel Thee for DEATHROCKSTAR.

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Interview with Sajama Cut

Interview Sebentar antara DEATHROCKSTAR dengan Marcel dan Opi personel Sajama Cut, di markas mereka…

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Interview with Arian13 of Seringai/Puppen

Interview eksklusif editor DEATHROCKSTAR Marcel Thee dengan Arian13, ex-frontman Puppen, yang sekarang menjadi frontman Seringai. Dan juga kini bekerja sebagai senior editor sebuah majalah musik.

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Interview with Superman Is Dead

DEATHROCKSTAR meng-interview SUPERMAN IS DEAD. Oleh Eric Wiryanata via e-mail

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Interview with Klepto Opera's Yoyon

Klepto Opera, band asal Surabaya. Interview via e-mail oleh Eric Wiryanata

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