Soloensis – Youth (download)


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Sebuah track bertema “saat remaja” dari band asal Solo. Sebuah track yang menarik namun jelas band ini perlu lebih banyak jam terbang. Lagu balada yang dimainkan dari hati terdalam namun belum terasa dinyanyikan sepenuh hati.

Video klipnya sangat menarik by the way.

welcome to the age of young, where it is full of disease
when we doubt about our way
we’ll better to move on or die, because sins have become king
welcome to the age of young, where it is full of pretend
so many fake plastic hearts on action
we’ll better to move on or die, because sins have become king
but no more reason to become more bad
so shout in my ears which right and wrong
and i’ll play in my own
then choose the way, to dare, to start, fix my way


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